
Dental check-up
Consultation, treatment plan
filling: one surface
filling: two surfaces
filling: three surfaces
Aesthetic restoration with composite material (frontal zone)
Teeth whitening (one session) two jaws
Endodontics (canal treatment)
Medicament into the canal (one canal)
1 canal
Root canal preparation
2 canals
Root canal preparation
3 canals
Root canal preparation
1 canal
Root canal filling
2 canals
Root canal filling
3 canals
Root canal filling
Session with a microscope
Prosthetics - Orthopedics
Metal-ceramic crown (aesthetic zone)
Ceramic crown (E.MAX)
Zirconia-based ceramic crown
Metal-ceramic crown on an implant (screw-on design)
One tooth removable denture
Full plastic prosthesis
Metal based prosthesis
Removing or cementation the crown
Partial removable denture made of soft plastic up to 6 teeth
Partial removable denture made of soft plastic from 6 to 12 teeth
Boxing splint
Night mouthguard for bruxism
Boxing splint (splint-colored)
Veneers (Lumineers)
Veneer (E.MAX technology)
Repair of removable plates
Adding a staple or tooth
Mending of removable dental prothesis
Relining of removable dental prosthesis
Surgery - implantation
Extraction of a multi root tooth
Extraction of wisdom tooth
Extraction of atypically located tooth
Incision with drainage
Sinus lift
from €690
Implant placement Straumann SLActive implant
Implant placement MIS implant
Professional dental hygiene
Oral hygiene using ultrasound + AIR-FLOW + teeth polishing
Treatment of the gingival pocket with the "Vector" device (1 unit)
Treatment of the gum pocket with the "Vector" device (1 sq.)
Fluoride – application
Deep fluoridation (1 quadrant)
Deep fluoridation (4 quadrants)
Panoramic X-ray 2D
X-ray -RTG



Kr.Barona 33a,

Rīga LV-1011, Latvija


Phone: +371 66002528

Mobile: +371 22330642


Working hours:

Work days: 9.00 - 20.00

Weekends: closed